Sunday, April 15, 2012

Hey All!
Yes, I know... You like using my scripts, but you get a new computer with a fresh install of Illustrator, and you loathe having to download all my scripts individually. Have I got news for you...

I've finally joined the 21st century and created a GitHub repository for all my scripts. If you've never used GitHub, don't worry, all you need to know is that now you can download ALL of my public scripts in one handy zip file. Get them ALL here.

If you customize any of my scripts and think the modified version would be helpful for someone else, please feel free to fork the code.  I believe strongly in the community of JS4AI developers, and have been a little surprised at how that the playing field has been so sparse for so long.  I know there are a lot of awesome JS developers out there, so hopefully GitHub will provide a connection point to facilitate more co-development for the benefit illustrator community.  Let me know if you have any custom scripts that you want to add. Otherwise, get to downloading, and as always, happy illustrating!!!


robives said...

Noob question. Is it possible to create an Illustrator panel using JS?

John said...

The answer is 'sort of' You can create a flash based panel, but illustrator displays a security warning before it is allowed to run, and the the palette persistence is weird. Also, it's a pain in the butt to wire up, and I've been told that it won't be supported in CS6. You can check out Kelso's dialog for text alignment here:

If you want a real palette, it cannot be done via javascript, you will have to write a plugin.

robives said...

Thanks. Couple more questions if that is okay.
I looked at the plugin info from adobe. Do I need to use their extension builder tool which seems to be hideously expensive. Can I just design panels in flash and plug them in and if so do you know of any step by step tuts for doing so?

Is it possible to make a js dialog box with half a dozen variables, sliders etc that can all be chosen before clicking the okay button? If so do you know of sample scripts I can look at?

Okay, more than a couple :-)

Thanks in advance.


afireinside86 said...

I have downloaded this zip file, but, when i go to use the "Select same text content.js" script, i get a message basically saying "beta test has ended. e-mail ". Could you please advise on this? Thank you!

John said...

@afireinside86 I've checked the Github page, and the archive, and do not see the script you mention.
The 'Select same text content.js' belongs to Nathaniel Kelso, and should not be in this archive. Are you sure it came from this repository?

John said...

@robives: Kelso has an example zip on his site here. That should get you started...


Royal Jerry said...

Wow, John! And I have discovered this post just now… Shame on me. Congrats, anyway! :)